Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog Posts and SEO-What You Should Know

If you are a blogger, you need targeted visitors consistently coming to your blog. You aren't writing blog posts only for yourself, you want the public to read them and comment on them. If you want your blog to become well known by people in your niche, you'll have to do some search engine optimization. This will help you rank your blog posts for your primary keywords easily and get unique visitors. As you write your blog posts, keep the following SEO tactics in mind.

When assigning a rank to a page, search engines utilize certain components that are valuable and have a higher level of importance. The anchor text you encode your links with is such a component. By using your primary or secondary keywords in the anchor text included in your posts you will be giving the search engines a green light. This should be basically used for internal linking when you're linking to your other posts or pages on the blog. So, if you include your keywords in the anchor text in different posts, you will add more importance to your posts according to the search engines.

When you're choosing the keywords for your blog posts, try to go for long tail keywords. This is because long tail keyword phrases don't have as many competitors and it is not that difficult to get good rankings with them. In addition, you will have the ability to keep your post specific in nature so than when someone comes to your blog, that is specifically what they were looking for. This would encourage more readerships and make new visitors become a regular reader of your blog.

You will also have more variety when creating your posts because there would be so many little topics to write about. Think about what you've read so far about "Effective Internet Marketing". Does it reinforce what you already know about the subject matter or such related information? Or was there something completely new? Perhaps the remaining paragraphs of this article will do the trick?

It's also a good idea to use hyperlinks for your primary keywords and then use a keyword tracker so you can keep track of them. You can skip this if you want, but it can be useful to watch the performance of your various keywords in your blog posts. If you take the time to implement these tactics, they will help you quite a bit in the long run. Remember, you need to stand out from the competition, which means you should take care of the smallest elements of your blog to make it a success. All in all, from the above article we come to an understanding that every blog deserves to get targeted traffic and there's no better way to do it than focus on the search engines. Search engines are always looking for top notch content that is fresh, no matter how long or short the posts you create for your blog are. They will send you targeted traffic regularly as long as you provide them with what they need.

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